Sunday, November 25, 2007

Back to the Beginning

Why is it when it rains it pours? Why does everything happen at one time. The good, the bad and the ugly? Well I guess this spiral of downwardness started September 19, 2006. That was the day I decided to buy my own car. I was expecting a 10,000 dollar student loan in the mail and wasn't exactly sure when it was going to get to me. I called up Spring Cypress Auto, I talked to a guy named John. I told him the situation and he said c'mon down and we'll get you set up and driving out today with your car. Well I decided to drive the 1 hour drive up there. When I walked through the door John, who looked was attractive and very easy to talk to was already closing on another deal. Come to think of it he was probably closing on 2 or 3 at the same time. I waited about 15 min and he took me outside. I told him about the loan and I said I wanted to put 5K down on a car and finance the rest. He showed me an Eclipes and A Honda Civic. I couldn't drive a standard so I decided to test drive the 03' Civic. Well I fell in love with it! It was red with black leather, sunroof and completely perfect! I took back the car and told him that I wanted it. Well to get to the point he fucked me over royally. The 10K car in the ad was he decided to charge me 15K for, then financed me at 21% interest! My payments were 300 a month for four years! Well remember I didn't have the 10k yet? Yeah I wrote him a check, he told me to post date it and the check was for 5700. I didn't know what the hell I was thinking! I am an idiot I suppose and completely taken advantage of! I called up another salesman that I had known from the bank that I was working at. He told me that I should call the financing company and tell them what the situation was and they wouldn't finance me. I took the car back the next day and locked the keys in the car and left it on the lot. Which brings me another problem. They called me non-stop threating me with writing fraud checks and what not. Well I go to work the next day. That is when I realized that I left my bank keys in the car! Oh god, it was bad, I managed to keep it from my manager for about a month before I decided to tell her, they had to change the locks and everything. That is also whenever I was having major issues with my Teller Supriviser. Her name was Candice, she had been with the bank for 15 years and transfered to this branch the same day I started. We had never got along and I just could never stand her. She was lazy and humphed and puffed everytime she had to do something. Going on with the story, I was living with my boyfriend Justin at the time, he was an alcoholic that worked at a yacht club, it was walking distance from our apartment considering with his 3 DWI's he couldn't drive, well he never came home and when he did he was always to drunk to pay attention to me. I couldn't stand him. I made sure the house was clean everyday, made sure all the laundry was taken care of all while working and going to school 15 hours a week. Well Oct 16 was my 21st birthday. It was flooding all over Houston, so much that two people drowned. I had taken a couple days off of work and was really excited about my birthday. Well all of my friends and I were going to have dinner at Mamacita's and then go out afterwards. Since no one could get anywhere I didn't go out till 10 o'clock. I went to benigan's and drank cosmo's with Ashley Christopher, Rachel and Amy. Justin, my boyfriend, was still working. Well then we went to Reno's which was a Kareoke bar. It was 21 and up so Ashley couldn't come but everyone else did. Justin shows up and being the "big shot" he is bought every one shots well he was up at the bar the entire time and flirting with this whale of a bar tender. Talking about "bar tending" shit, so much so that whenever everyone was singing happy birthday to me he couldn't turn around, I ended up getting plastered ( and of course so did he ) and we took a cab home. The tab was 100 dollars. He left he 89.00 tip. I was pissed. He couldn't even pay for the cab home because of it! He didn't get me anything for my birthday either besides drinks. Well I was arguing with him the whole time getting home. He kept telling me to shut up and that I was stupid. That is the night he took me by the throat and held me against the wall. It didn't hurt but it was scary. After that I kept egging him on I suppose and he pushed me into the bed. The bed was on those black risers that aren't very durable and whenever he pushed the entire bed fell over and my thigh hit the edge of the bedframe leaving a not-so-pretty black and purple softball size bruise. The next morning I can't really remember. I am sure I was hung over. I do remember drinking a mimosa out of my "pimp cup" that Briana and Jordan (my best friends) made me. Well things starting looking up for me whenever I got a my check in the mail for 10k first thing I did was pay off my 1500 worth of debt and was suppose to buy a car. I don't but in a span of 2 months i spent